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Offering a Seat-让座,Offering a Seat-让座范文
更新时间:2024-04-28 09:04:48

Offring a Sat-让座,Offring a Sat-让座范文Offring a Sat-让座 英语作文网收集整理 昨天,我和妈妈坐车去公园。到了一站时,上来一个抱着小孩的妇女,坐在门口的一个中学生马上站了起来,把座位让给了母女俩,车上的都投去了赞许的目光。 Ystrday I, with my mothr, wnt to th park on a bus. Aftr th bus stoppd at a bus stop, a woman carrying a baby got on. A studnt sitting nar th door stood Up at onc and offrd his sat to hr. Sh thankd him for it. All th popl on th bus lookd at him with prais in thir ys. Offring a Sat-让座 英语作文网收集整理

Offering a Seat-让座,Offering a Seat-让座范文

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